RACIST News Anchors Claim Iraq, Afghanistan Uncivilized

What I’m about to show you, is just indefensible. I cover politics for a living so I see disgusting things all the time but this is really this is really way up there.

Let me choose my words carefully? He’s says “with all due respect” and then proceeds to say the most disrespectful thing I’ve ever heard. He’s saying that it’s okay to have war in Iraq and Afghanistan because they’re not civilized! I can’t believe this! So you think because Ukraine is civilized and European [they don’t deserve this] but Iraq and Afghanistan so they deserve war. It’s okay. It’s acceptable for them to be ravaged by war because they’re not civilized. They’re not European and so that’s not shocking but this [invasion of Ukraine] is shocking. That’s insulting to say about any country but more so about Iraq, out of all places!

Iraq is the cradle of civilization. Writing and farming was invented in Mesopotamia… not to mention the Islamic golden age when you had all these Arab and Persian mathematicians [and scholars] who translated also all the Greek philosophies so that we have Greek philosophy today. Astrology, medicine and algebra! We have all of these things thanks to this region. Thanks to this place. And you want to call it uncivilized. How dare you? How disgusting! I wish he was the only one to do that… He’s not! I got a whole selection [of guys like this] for you to take a look at.

What’s interesting is that the guy who talked about blond hair and blue eyes, he doesn’t even have blonde hair and blue eyes! And the BBC just responds by saying: I respect the emotion! That’s Ross Atkins answer from the BBC. He just said basically that it’s okay for anyone who’s not blonde to be killed because that’s not emotionally upsetting, it’s only upsetting when white people are being killed. The other guy said: what’s compelling is just by looking at them, you’ll understand these are prosperous based on the way they’re dressed. Continuing that he thinks: these are prosperous middle-class people and obviously not refugees trying to get away from areas in the Middle East. I don’t even know what to say to this vile human being! Only a vile person would say such a thing. I’d like to ask: Why are people fleeing from the Middle East? Who the bombed the Middle East? These people come on television and talk about how awful it is that Russia is bombing Ukraine and then they say we don’t want to take refugees from anywhere else. [I ask this again] Who created those refugees? Who destroyed Iraq? Who destroyed Syria? Who destroyed Libya? Who’s been stealing from the global south for centuries? Why are there rich countries and developing countries that don’t have anything? Who ruined those countries? Took their people and enslaved them steals their resources to this day, colonize them, bombs them and destroys their infrastructure?

That’s why there are refugees coming from the middle east and they’re not worth less than white Ukrainian refugees you vile person what the hell is wrong with you how do they say such things on television they have no shame no shame they look like a normal prosperous. What does that normal mean? You mean you don’t like the color of their skin from people coming from the Middle East or Africa? If you talk about Syria, well, the irony is that you can find ginger people or people with blue eyes, people with blonde hair. My grandfather’s brother had blue eyes and he, himself, had green eyes. You find all sorts of people in Syria so I don’t even understand what this guy means. He is a racist prejudiced vile person. And then there’s the French equivalent who implies that it’s okay to have cruise missiles or bombs falling in Afghanistan or Iraq. That’s okay that’s normal but here it’s not normal. Not in Europe where they killed six million Jews! Where the Nazis raised Warsaw London [to the ground]. Where they had two world wars and one cold war! And then you have the female reporter who basically repeats the same thing. I talk for living but she left me speechless.

This is such a mask off moment. We know that there’s hypocrisy here. We know that they’re doing way more coverage about Ukraine. You have all these personalized stories like this girl in the in the jacket and she was hit by a shell and they try to personalize the stories to make you develop an emotional connection with the victim and then the sanctions like look how many sanctions that they have put on Russia, disconnecting it from SWIFT. They want to ban Russian planes, ban Russian RT, all the media. The EU and Germany are sending weapons for the first time. There’s such a concerted effort a mass mobilization of the west to stop this war in Ukraine but when their own troops, the British and the Americans and the Europeans, are doing much worse in Iraq and Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Yemen and all over the place… Nowhere near this amount of coverage. You want to talk about people who are suffering I can give you a million more stories in Syria and they’re just as valid and the people there are just as human. The refugees are just as imperiled and deserve just as much of a chance to live in peace. You always hear this thing they’re like all these refugees are not actually refugees, they’re just migrants who are looking for a better life! You created this image of the United States that people would look for a better life. What is wrong with looking for a better life? Why don’t you ask yourself who’s creating the refugees? Or the economic migrants? What’s wrong with their economies? Where do these problems come from? You ignore that part you vile and then they want to demonize refugees they say that Ukrainian refugees are worth more because they’re white and they’re blonde haired and blue-eyed and they don’t deserve war no one deserves war. Why is war okay in Iraq and Afghanistan when you’re doing it too? That’s the hypocrisy! The people, even in so-called independent media, never ever cover anything about Palestine or Syria because they’re cowards. They might do one thing a year. \

hypocrisy you see the double standard they’re up in arms about Ukraine and when they don’t even know about the geopolitical situation they’re up in arms but they never say anything about these other much bigger issues that have been going on for decades that are caused by their own governments so that’s the implicit hypocrisy here. It’s just straight up here it’s in your face. These people say that they don’t want brown people in their continent. It’s just straight up let Afghanistan and Iraq be bombed but we don’t want bombs in Europe. I really I hate these people. I loathe them. I really have such contempt for these blood-sucking jerks. You know that they are so inhumane since they have no shame whatsoever to say these things on television. No Shame!

Saying Ukraine is “relatively civilized”? When the Arabs were developing modern medicine and mathematics, Europe was in the dark ages! London was a village! There was nothing there! I was at George Galloway’s program earlier and we were saying the same thing. When the Arabs were making strides and Iraq was the center of everything in the world, whether it’d be culture or medicine science, all of it people in Europe were still putting paint on their faces and running in the forest like a bunch of primitive apes. That’s what Europe was like! Now Europeans want to come and act like they’re holier than thou. Talk about uncivilized and ignorant! They don’t know any history. The continent that produced two world wars is talking about violence! Two world wars! Genocides, the likes of which you wouldn’t believe and they have the nerve to say that violence is not inherent to Europe.

The blistering hypocrisy is that it’s their own governments are funding the violence everywhere and they act like what Putin is doing in Ukraine supersedes that in scale when the reality is that they committed much worse crimes or to go easy on them crimes that are just as bad. The fact that they think people who are brown or not blonde haired and blue-eyed don’t deserve refuge. Why would you say such a thing why would you tell on yourself like that?

This is racism pure and simple I don’t care what anyone says that is racist it’s ignorant at best. You’re really giving them the benefit of the doubt. This first guy who was saying this is relatively a civilized place and we don’t do violence, [was basically saying] that’s just for the Arabs and the browns. That’s how they talk about the rest of us. You’re really seeing now how the people on television are completely masked off and they’re telling you what the western establishments think. I got to tell you something, I really hope I really pray that most people in the west and in the world are not this racist and not this ignorant. I have to believe that it’s not true I have to believe that this is just the media and the governments and I have to believe that most people have some humanity in them. I want to give you an example Syria took in millions of Iraqi refugees in 2003 across the 20th century.

Palestinians, Kurds, Armenians, Iraqis and other people who’ve been displaced and had genocide committed against them. Syria has nowhere near the same capacities or resources as these European countries. Jordan has at least over a million Palestinian refugees who are in there. I mean Iraq also has taken tons of refugees. Turkey has two million Syrian refugees. All of these countries, the ones that are hit by war do more to take in refugees than you do. You want to complain on top of it and you want to be racist on top of it? They’re not even trying to hide it. It’s not even like “we just don’t have the resources & I’m sorry we just can’t do it”. No, it’s just “you’re brown, go to hell!” We only want white people. This is unacceptable. Violence against white people, violence against Europeans is unacceptable but against you guys is fine. Of course, you’re uncivilized. Why wouldn’t there be violence? You’re uncivilized. This is your [fault]. You’re not in Europe. I I’m really appalled. I just I have no words. I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard this.

I couldn’t believe my ears I shared this video, it’s got I think close to a million views now on twitter. I’m glad. People should see the racism that permeates the thinking of the corporate media and of the governments that are creating these wars. They should see that this is unacceptable. The clown who talked about these are people with blonde hair and blue eyes have, you seen your own face? You’re not even blonde hair and blue eye. Look at you you’re like me. You have brown hair and brown eyes. What’s so special about you? Unbelievable! I’m at a loss for words. I think what’s good is to take a look at some of the responses in the comments because people are also disgusted people. One says it’s okay for Iraq but not Ukraine. Iraqis and Afghans are humans just as much as the Ukrainians are. This is basically white supremacy. I agree. I’m really glad that people see the reality and have some humanity in them. I really am. Just going back to my point in Syria and the neighboring countries, we don’t take in refugees based on what religion they are or what color they are or what ethnicity they are, we take them because they’re refugees and we don’t complain about it .That doesn’t mean we have the resources to do it but we do it.