Israel Airstrikes Residential Area of Damascus, Syria

Israel bombed Syria again For those of you who are keeping count, kindly tell me in the comments what number episode this is, where I tell you that that Israel has bombed Syria? I mean I I’ve lost count! I posted about this yesterday as soon as it happened. Remember if you want breaking news follow me on twitter @RichieMedhurst. I’m always posting breaking news on that platform.

Now what happened last night is that the Israelis went after Damascus. They bombed Qudseya which is in Damascus, Syria. They just casually drop bombs in a residential neighborhood like it’s nothing. Now, What is the excuse that they give? The Israelis they don’t actually say directly; the media will do it for them because they have all these stenographers and propagandists who will do the talking for them.

The regular excuse why Israel is bombing Syria, is that they’re targeting Iranian militias. Sometimes they’ll spice it up and say it’s Hezbollah that we are targeting. In a second, I’m going to get into how absurd this is but something very interesting, which happened just afterwards, is that sirens went off in occupied Palestine (or what they call Israel). This was in near a Palestinian town called town Umm al-Fahm.

What’s going on was that Syria hit back! Because every time the Israelis hit Damascus or Syria, they come from the direction of the occupied Golan heights and then the surface-to-air missiles (SAM) of the Syrian army get activated & they launch SAMs in an effort to intercept the Israeli planes. One of these surface-to-air missiles that was launched by Syria went into Palestine and exploded mid-air. Now, what happened afterwards after Israel bombed & Syria launched SAMs to intercept the jets?

In defense, Israel (regime in the occupied Palestine) went and bombed Syria again for defending itself! In a tweet from the Israeli occupation forces stated: “In response to the anti-aircraft missile launched from Syria earlier tonight, we just struck surface-to-air missile targets in Syria, including radar and anti-aircraft batteries.” They’re basically saying: You tried to defend yourself when we bombed you, so we had to come back and bomb you again. It’s just typical classic oppressor nonsense. It’s like when Palestinian threw a brick at us after we bulldoze his house so we got to kill him now! He’s a terrorist! This is this is their logic. If you look at the headlines from the media, they don’t tell you that Syria was defending itself. They don’t make it sound like that. For example, Haaretz says Israel strikes Syrian army targets after anti-aircraft missile explodes over Israel. They make it seem like Syria is the aggressor & Israel had to defend itself from the Syrian anti-aircraft missile. Why did Syria launch an anti-aircraft missile? Maybe because you were bombing Syria! It’s really classic oppressor talking point. It’s  unbelievable!

I want to explain something to you because last year around spring 2021. The exact same thing happened. Israel came and bombed Syria and then Syria launched a surface-to-air missile in response and this missile traveled, I think, around 200 kilometers and then landed near Dimona. Now, Dimona is very important. You need to understand what Dimona is. This is where Israel has developed nuclear weapons. Israel has nuclear weapons. Israel has refused to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. It developed these nuclear weapons in secret and it has an undeclared nuclear arsenal. This, Dimona, is one of its key nuclear facilities. We have to remember that Syria was [simply] defending itself. Syria launched the surface-to-air missile which simply was chasing an Israeli jet. Doesn’t matter maybe that it just took an errant course, in any case, the missile landed just a few kilometers from Dimona.

Do I [really] need to explain what kind of disaster would have happened if that missile had struck the nuclear facility? People know what happened in Chernobyl. I don’t know if it would have been much worse or a little bit less worse [but] that’s not good. It’s not good obviously. Do you think the Israelis learn anything from this? The experience that they nearly had a nuclear accident? Because they [still] keep bombing Syria every week! It’s not Syria’s fault Syria. It’s just defending itself. If the missile goes towards Dimona that’s the Israeli’s fault because if you wouldn’t bomb Syria wouldn’t launch any anti-aircraft missiles. It’s that simple! They nearly had a nuclear accident. This is a catastrophe.

Some might be thinking: Well, it’s the Israelis fault and they’ll suffer the consequences. NO! You know Israel is occupied Palestine. Palestinians would suffer. Syria would suffer. When Chernobyl happened, you had countries all the way in Western Europe that had to clean the streets regularly to get rid of the particles that were being carried in the wind. People couldn’t go outside. The wind carries this [particles] everywhere. Particles might end up in Jordan or Syria. It’s incalculable what kind of damage this would create? But do the Israelis learn? No, of course not! Let’s just go bomb Syria over and over and over again. They’ve done it dozens and dozens of time since that incident at Dimona. This is such a messed up & stupid [thing].

They try to paint it as Israel defending itself. Israel is bombing Syria to defend itself! What do you mean defend? Defend from what? Let’s assume this Israeli argument is true. Let’s say Syria has Iranian/Hezbollah targets. This is the buzzword they keep using, right? US has 800 military bases! Does that mean it’s okay to go bomb all of these countries? I’m referring to 70 plus countries that have U.S. military bases. Think of this logic: You know your neighbor has people over for dinner that you don’t like so you go and throw a Molotov cocktail at your friend’s house, [That’s basically what they’re doing]. What does that even mean? How can you call this self-defense? No one is attacking Israel. No one is attacking the Israelis. So, even if this is true & Syria has Iranian militias and Hezbollah inside its border, what did they do to Israel? You are the one that keeps bombing Syria every week. Syria is a sovereign country. It’s not some kind of Israeli colony. They act like Iranian troops and Iranian militias inside Syria are there without our [Syrian People’s] permission.

This is none of Israel’s business. If anyone is being the aggressor here, it’s Israel which is occupying Golan Heights in Syria since 1967. Israel and Syria are still officially in a state of war! The Golan Heights are extremely precious. It’s a strategic vantage point. It’s rich in oil and water. They’ve built ski resorts on there. They’re so arrogant. They literally stole it! Every single country in the world has said that this is illegal. The United Nations Security Council has passed numerous resolutions saying Israel needs to get out of the Golan Heights. It’s just since Donald Trump that the U.S. recognized it as Israeli. It’s Trump. What am I supposed to say?

Naftali Bennett, who is now the Israeli prime minister, has double the number of illegal settlements in the Golan Heights. You have a lot of Syrians who still live there like Druze [people]. They have been offered Israeli citizenship but they just flat out refused which basically means get lost and we don’t want that. We’re Syrian and we’re proud! This is an illegal annexation. It is very important to understand this not just due to the fact that Golan Heights is rich valuable resources but also because this is where the Israelis launch their attacks from all the time. They’ll also fly through Lebanese airspace. If anyone is the aggressor here, it’s the Israel which is illegally occupying Syria and stealing its resources while annexing its land. If anyone has a right to defend themselves, it’s Syria. Syria is the one that’s being attacked every week by Israel. When I say every week, it really is every week! It’s at best every two weeks. At best, every two weeks, they bomb Syria. If I remember correctly, it was 2016 or 2018 that Israelis admitted that they’ve done this hundreds of times. Just imagining how many times since then [they have done it], the number goes in the thousands now.

Israelis were also working with al-Qaeda. It’s not a conspiracy theory or rumor. They literally admitted that on television that they were helping al-Qaeda fighters because they hate the Syrian government which they try to frame as the enemy of my enemy is my friend. That’s the kind of logic they’ve been using so they bomb Syria every week or when they annex its land or when they help al-Qaeda! They work with terrorists to attack Syria and then they claim that they are the victims and they are defending themselves! You really have to be a special kind of idiot to have this kind of logic. They use the same tactic to deal with the Palestinians. They attack them, kill them, bomb them and then claim Israel’s the victims! Israel is always the victim. Israel is always correct and everyone else is wrong and anti-Semite and a terrorist. It’s vile!

Israel killed a Syrian soldier last night. They’ve done things like this numerous times already. In the last year, they’ve killed a number of Syrian soldiers who were manning anti-aircraft batteries. For those of you who are not familiar with the military lingo, an anti-aircraft battery is a military installation where they launch surface-to-air missiles. The person who was killed yesterday, was Faez Mansour. He was another young man senselessly murdered in this morning’s Israel attack on Damascus, Syria. If Israel bombs you, you better not defend yourself because then they’ll come back and bomb you again. A typical abuser & oppressor’s logic. It’s so vile and no one cares. This stuff doesn’t even get register on the evening news. If you ask most people on earth, they have no clue that this is happening. It’s just normal now. It’s like Syria is bad, Israel is cool and let’s just keep sending weapons to Israel.

What’s so incredible about this is that you have these libs or boutique leftists who come and want to slobber and lick the squad’s feet while The Squad [actually] funded this. Never forget this! And to this day, I still don’t understand how literally no one else talked about the fact that Ilhan Omar voted to give Israel the annual military aid. They get the $3.8 billion which is separate from the iron dome which they got the additional one billion dollar for. AOC abstained on the voting for additional aid on funding for Iron dome. She’s too much of a coward to say no we’re not giving you this money which you use to kill Palestinians. Iron dome is defensive? On whose land is the iron dome? The Iron dome is on stolen Palestinian land.

In any case, these Israeli jets, the payloads that they’re using, the bombs, the munitions, it’s all American! It’s all paid for by Americans. This is the kind of things that Democrats fund and the Republicans fund. It’s the same thing either way! If you’re outside of the United States, if you’re on the receiving end of Israel’s aggression, what’s the difference between Democrat, Republican or The Squad? It makes no difference. ZERO! And it’s not just Ilhan Omar. Who else was in that vote? I documented all of this. I’ve talked about it on my YouTube Channel. I literally showed you every single individual vote. I think it was Ilhan Omar, Ayana Presley, Jamal bowman who ever in that vote. So that was surprising, wasn’t it? Ilhan Omar voted for it, after they attacked her so much! She’s helping Israel to bomb Syria and kill Palestinians. Great job! very human rights-y of you! Very humane! Very progressive! Wonderful! I feel It’s almost mundane to talk about it but we have to talk about it because no one else will. Even those who are supposedly on the left don’t talk about this.

This incident with Dimona, where that Syrian anti-aircraft missile almost landed at an Israeli nuclear reactor, showed us that one day the Israelis are going to shoot themselves in the foot. It’s not just them who are going to suffer it’s everyone around because if you have a nuclear accident, Syrians will suffer, Palestinians will suffer & everyone else who is near the occupied territories is at risk of suffering. They want to continue their aggression against Syria to keep Syria in chaos which is ultimately the goal. People need to understand what the goal is here. I keep reporting on this. They’re carrying out these attacks almost every week. Why are they doing this because Syria is in a state of chaos right now. It’s been split into four parts, you got the Americans and the Kurds to the east occupying the oil. You got Turkey and all these jihadists in the north and Idlib and the Israelis in the south in the Golan Heights. They want to keep Syria in chaos so it can’t get up on its feet again. The idea also is to hit Iran because they don’t want Iran and Hezbollah working with Syria to stand with Syria which is a double standard since every other country is allowed to have military alliances and can host troops in each other’s countries but in this case, apparently, this is an affront on Israel and It doesn’t matter that they’re not doing anything. They’re not doing anything to Israel, even though they have the right to self-defense! It doesn’t matter…. Just by virtue of being in Syria, this is an affront to Israel. This is their logic. This really is similar to the George Bush doctrine where it’s all about pre-emptive strikes.

They think that they can attack any country, despite the fact that they haven’t done anything, under the pretense of our lies about them intending to do something! And then they think that they’re a democracy and they respect international law! It’s all garbage! They don’t respect anything, don’t respect anyone.